Hanami Snacks
Celebrate the traditional and beautiful Asian spring celebration of Hanami, famous for the blossoming of the native cherry trees, with our range of traditional and authentic Japanese and Korean drinks, snacks and meals.
Hanami is a beautiful celebration of the blossoming Cherry trees across Japan and Korea. Typically between the end of March towards May. Made famous by the romantic images of Cherry tree lined streets in Japan, covered in delicate pink blossoms, all in bloom at the same time.


From the renowned ingredients to the refreshing drinks, and the convenient and tasty instant noodles and packet soups, Kelly ensures that absolutely everything she puts her name to is authentic and provides the highest quality in every tiny detail. In fact, she’s so sure that everything from the Kelly Loves brand is the very best that she’d be happy to feed it to her own daughter (the highest praise a mother can give!).
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More On Hanami
Celebrate the traditional spring festival of Hanami with these delightful Hanami inspired recipes and articles.
More from Japan
Experience authentic Japanese cuisine at home, with our range of delicious meals, snacks and drinks.